Monday, 25 April 2016

312-50 Exam Practice Questions & Answers

Test Information:
Total Questions: 760
Test Number: 312-50
Vendor Name: Eccouncil
Cert Name:  CEH
Test Name: ECCOUNCIL Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures(CEHv6)
Official Site:
For More Details:                                                       

Bill has started to notice some slowness onhis network when trying to update his company’s website while trying to accessthe website from the Internet. Bill asks the help desk manager if he hasreceived any calls about slowness from the end users, but the help desk managersays that he has not. Bill receives a number of calls from customers that can’taccess the company website and can’t purchase anything online. Bill logs on toa couple of this routers and notices that the logs shows network traffic is atall time high. He also notices that almost all the traffic is originating froma specific address.
Bill decides to use Geotrace to find out wherethe suspect IP is originates from. The Geotrace utility runs a traceroute andfinds that IP is coming from Panama. Bill knows that none of his customers arein Panama so he immediately thinks that his company is under a Denial ofService attack. Now Bill needs to find out more about the originating IPAddress.
What Internet registry should Bill look in tofind the IP Address?
Reference: LACNIC is theLatin American and Caribbean InternetAddresses Registry that administers IP addresses, autonomous system numbers,reverse DNS, and other network resources for that region.
System Administrators sometimes post questionsto newsgroups when they run into technical challenges. As an ethical hacker,you could use the information in newsgroup posting to glean insight into the makeupof a target network. How would you search for these posting using Googlesearch?
A.Search in Google using the key strings“the target company” and “newsgroups”
B.Search for the target company name at
C.Use NNTP websites to search for thesepostings
D.Search in Google using the key searchstrings “the target company” and “forums”
Reference: Using isthe easiest way to access various newsgroups today. Before you had to use special NNTP clients or subscribe tosome nntp to web services.
Which of the following activities would not beconsidered passive footprinting?
A.Search on financial site such as YahooFinancial
B.Perform multiple queries through asearch engine
C.Scan the range of IP address found in their DNS database
D.Go through the rubbish to find out anyinformation that might have been discarded
Reference:Passive footprintingis a method in which the attacker never makes contact with the target. Scanningthe targets IP addresses can be logged at the target and therefore contact hasbeen made.
You are footprinting thewww.xsecurity.comdomain using the Google Search Engine. Youwould like to determine what sites link to www.xsecurity .com at the firstlevel of revelance.
Which of the following operator in Googlesearch will you use to achieve this?
Reference:The query [link:] will list webpages that havelinks to the specified webpage. For instance, [] will listwebpages that have links pointing to the Google homepage. Note there can be nospace between the "link:" and the web page url.
Doug isconducting a port scan of a target network. He knows that his client targetnetwork has a web server and that there is a mail server also which is up andrunning. Doug has been sweeping the network but has not been able to elicit anyresponse from the remote target. Which of the following could be the mostlikely cause behind this lack of response? Select 4.
A.UDP is filtered by a gateway
B.The packet TTL value is too low and cannot reach the target
C.The host might be down
D.The destination network might be down
E.The TCP windows size does not match
F.ICMP is filtered by a gateway
Answer: A, B, C, F
Reference: If thedestination host or the destination network is down there is no way to get ananswer and if TTL (Time To Live) is set too low the UDP packets will “die”before reaching the host because of too many hops between the scanning computerand the target.The TCP receive windowsize is the amount of received data (in bytes) that can be buffered during aconnection. The sending host can send only that amount of data before it mustwait for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host and ICMPis mainly used for echo requests and not in port scans.
Joe Hacker runsthe hping2 hacking tool to predict the target host’s sequence numbers in one ofthe hacking session.
What does thefirst and second column mean? Select two.
A.The first column reports the sequence number
B.The second column reports the difference between the current andlast sequence number
C.The second column reports the next sequence number
D.The first column reports the difference between current and lastsequence number
Answer: A, B
Whileperforming a ping sweep of a subnet you receive an ICMP reply of Code 3/Type 13for all the pings sent out.
What is themost likely cause behind this response?
A.The firewall is dropping the packets.
B.An in-line IDS is dropping the packets.
C.A router is blocking ICMP.
D.The host does not respond to ICMP packets.
Answer: C
Reference:Type 3 message = Destination Unreachable [RFC792], Code 13 (cause) =Communication Administratively Prohibited [RFC1812]
The following excerpt is taken from a honeyputlog. The log captures activities across three days. There are several intrusionattempts; however, a few are successful. Study the log given below and answerthe following question:
(Note: The objective of this questions is totest whether the student has learnt about passive OS fingerprinting (whichshould tell them the OS from log captures): can they tell a SQL injectionattack signature; can they infer if a user ID has been created by an attackerand whether they can read plain source – destination entries from log entries.)
What can you infer from the above log?
A.The system is a windows system whichis being scanned unsuccessfully.
B.The system is a web application servercompromised through SQL injection.
C.The system has been compromised andbackdooredby the attacker.
D.The actual IP of the successfulattacker is
Bob has been hired to perform a penetrationtest on He begins by looking at IP address ranges owned by the companyand details of domain name registration. He then goes to News Groups andfinancial web sites to see if they are leaking any sensitive information ofhave any technical details online.
Within the context of penetration testingmethodology, what phase is Bob involved with?
A.Passive information gathering
B.Active information gathering
C.Attack phase
D.Vulnerability Mapping
Reference: He is gathering information and aslong as he doesn’t make contact with any of the targets systems he isconsidered gathering this information in a passive mode.
Which of the following would be the bestreason for sending a single SMTP message to an address that does not existwithin the target company?
A.To create a denial of service attack.
B.To verify information about the mailadministrator and his address.
C.To gather information about internalhosts used in email treatment.
D.To gather information about proceduresthat are in place to deal with such messages.
Reference: The replay from the email serverthat states that there is no such recipient will also give you some informationabout the name of the email server, versions used and so on.
You are conducting a port scan on a subnetthat has ICMP blocked. You have discovered 23 live systems and after scanningeach of them you notice that they all show port 21 in closed state.
What should be the next logical step thatshould be performed?
A.Connect to open ports to discoverapplications.
B.Perform a ping sweep to identify anyadditional systems that might be up.
C.Perform a SYN scan on port 21 toidentify any additional systems that might be up.
D.Rescan every computer to verify theresults.
Reference: As ICMP is blocked you’ll havetrouble determining which computers are up and running by using a ping sweep.As all the 23 computers that you had discovered earlier had port 21 closed,probably any additional, previously unknown, systems will also have port 21closed. By running a SYN scan on port 21 over the target network you might getreplies from additional systems.
Ann would like to perform areliable scanagainst a remote target.She is not concerned about being stealth at this point.
Which of the following type of scans would bethe most accurate and reliable option?
A.A half-scan
B.A UDP scan
C.A TCP Connect scan
D.A FIN scan
Reference: A TCP Connect scan,named after the Unix connect() system call is the mostaccurate scanning method. If a port is open the operating system completes theTCP three-way handshake, and the port scanner immediately closes theconnection. Otherwise an error code is returned.
Example of a three-way handshakefollowed by a reset:
Source         Destination   Summary
[] [] TCP: D=80 S=49389 SYN SEQ=3362197786 LEN=0WIN=5840
[] []  TCP: D=49389 S=80 SYN ACK=3362197787SEQ=58695210 LEN=0 WIN=65535
[] [] TCP: D=80 S=49389 ACK=58695211WIN<<2=5840
[] [] TCP: D=80 S=49389 RST ACK=58695211WIN<<2=5840
War dialing is a very old attack and depictedin movies that were made years ago.
Why would a modem security tester considerusing such an old technique?
A.It is cool, and if it works in the moviesit must work in real life.
B.It allows circumvention of protectionmechanisms by being on the internal network.
C.It allows circumvention of the companyPBX.
D.A good security tester would not usesuch a derelict technique.
Reference: If you are lucky and find a modemthat answers and is connected to the target network, it usually is lessprotected (as only employees are supposed to know of its existence) and onceconnected you don’t need to take evasive actions towards any firewalls or IDS.
An attacker is attempting to telnet into acorporation’s system in the DMZ. The attacker doesn’t want to get caught and isspoofing his IP address. After numerous tries he remains unsuccessful in connectingto the system. The attacker rechecks that the target system is actuallylistening on Port 23 and he verifies it with both nmap and hping2. He is stillunable to connect to the target system.
What is the most probable reason?
A.The firewall is blocking port 23 tothat system.
B.He cannot spoof his IP andsuccessfully use TCP.
C.He needs to use an automated tool totelnet in.
D.He is attacking an operating systemthat does not reply to telnet even when open.
Reference: Spoofing your IP will only work ifyou don’t need to get an answer from the target system. In this case the answer(login prompt) from the telnet session will be sent to the “real” location ofthe IP address that you are showing as the connection initiator.
You are scanning into the target network forthe first time. You find very few conventional ports open. When you attempt toperform traditional service identification by connecting to the open ports, ityields either unreliable or no results. You are unsure of which protocols arebeing used. You need to discover as many different protocols as possible.
Which kind of scan would you use to achievethis? (Choose the best answer)
A.Nessus scan with TCP based pings.
B.Nmap scan with the –sP (Ping scan)switch.
C.Netcat scan with the –u –e switches.
D.Nmap with the –sO (Raw IP packets)switch.
Reference: Running Nmap with the –sO switchwill do a IP Protocol Scan.The IP protocol scan isa bit different than the other nmap scans. The IP protocol scan is searchingfor additional IP protocols in use by the remote station, such as ICMP, TCP,and UDP. If a router is scanned, additional IP protocols such as EGP or IGP maybe identified.
What are twp types of ICMP code used whenusing the ping command?
A.It uses types 0 and 8.
B.It uses types 13 and 14.
C.It uses types 15 and 17.
D.The ping command does not use ICMP butuses UDP.
Reference: ICMP Type 0 = Echo Reply, ICMP Type8 = Echo
You are having problems while retrievingresults after performing port scanning during internal testing. You verify thatthere are no security devices between you and the target system. When bothstealth and connect scanning do not work, you decide to perform a NULL scanwith NMAP. The first few systems scanned shows all ports open.
Which one of the following statements isprobably true?
A.The systems have all ports open.
B.The systems are running a host basedIDS.
C.The systems are web servers.
D.The systems are running Windows.
Reference: The null scan turns off all flags,creating a lack of TCP flags that should never occur in the real world. If theport is closed, a RST frame should be returned and a null scan to an open portresults in no response. Unfortunately Microsoft (like usual) decided tocompletely ignore the standard and do things their own way. Thus this scan typewill not work against systems running Windows as they choose not to response atall. This is a good way to distinguish that the system being scanned is runningMicrosoft Windows.
John has scanned the web server with NMAP.However, he could not gather enough information to help him identify theoperating system running on the remote host accurately.
What would you suggest to John to helpidentify the OS that is being used on the remote web server?
A.Connect to the web server with a browserand look at the web page.
B.Connect to the web server with an FTPclient.
C.Telnet to port 8080 on the web serverand look at the default page code.
D.Telnet to an open port and grab thebanner.
Reference: Most people don’t care aboutchanging the banners presented by applications listening to open ports andtherefore you should get fairly accurate information when grabbing banners fromopen ports with, for example, a telnet application.
 An Nmap scan shows the following open ports,and nmap also reports that the OS guessing results to match too many signatureshence it cannot reliably be identified:
21    ftp
23    telnet
80    http
443  https
What does this suggest ?
A.This is a Windows Domain Controller
B.The host is not firewalled
C.The host is not a Linux or Solarissystem
D.The host is not properly patched
Reference: If the answer was A nmap would guess it, it holds the MS signaturedatabase, the host not being firewalled makes no difference. The host is not linux or solaris, well itvery well could be. The host is not properly patched? That is the closest;nmaps OS detection architecture is based solely off the TCP ISN issued by theoperating systems TCP/IP stack, if the stack is modified to show output fromrandomized ISN's or if your using a program to change the ISN then OS detectionwill fail. If the TCP/IP IP ID's are modified then os detection could alsofail, because the machine would most likely come back as being down.
What port scanning methodis the most reliable but also the most detectable?
A.Null Scanning
B.Connect Scanning
C.ICMP Scanning
D.Idlescan Scanning
E.Half Scanning
F.Verbose Scanning
Reference: A TCP Connect scan,named after the Unix connect() system call is the mostaccurate scanning method. If a port is open the operating system completes theTCP three-way handshake, and the port scanner immediately closes theconnection.
D - Typ4 4
Because UDP is a connectionlessprotocol: (Select 2)
A.UDP recvfrom() and write()scanning will yield reliable results
B.It can only be used forConnect scans
C.It can only be used forSYN scans
D.There is no guarantee thatthe UDP packets will arrive at their destination
E.ICMP port unreachablemessages may not be returned successfully
Answer:D, E
Reference:NeitherUDP packets, nor the ICMP errors are guaranteed to arrive, so UDP scanners mustalso implement retransmission of packets that appear to be lost (or you willget a bunch of false positives).
You are scanning into thetarget network for the first time. You find very few conventional ports open.When you attempt to perform traditional service identification by connecting tothe open ports, it yields either unreliable or no results. You are unsure ofwhat protocols are being used. You need to discover as many different protocolsas possible. Which kind of scan would you use to do this?
A.Nmap with the –sO (Raw IPpackets) switch
B.Nessus scan with TCP basedpings
C.Nmap scan with the –sP(Ping scan) switch
D.Netcat scan with the –u –eswitches
Reference: Running Nmap with the –sO switchwill do a IP Protocol Scan.The IP protocol scan isa bit different than the other nmap scans. The IP protocol scan is searchingfor additional IP protocols in use by the remote station, such as ICMP, TCP,and UDP. If a router is scanned, additional IP protocols such as EGP or IGP maybe identified.
What ICMP message typesare used by the ping command?
A.Timestamp request (13) andtimestamp reply (14)
B.Echo request (8) and Echoreply (0)
C.Echo request (0) and Echoreply (1)
D.Ping request (1) and Pingreply (2)
Reference: ICMP Type 0 = Echo Reply, ICMP Type8 = Echo
Which of the followingsystems would not respond correctly to an nmap XMAS scan?
A.Windows 2000 Serverrunning IIS 5
B.Any Solaris versionrunning SAMBA Server
C.Any version of IRIX
D.RedHat Linux 8.0 runningApache Web Server
Reference: When running a XMAS Scan, if a RSTpacket is received, the port is consideredclosed, while no response meansit isopen|filtered.The big downside is that not all systems follow RFC 793 to the letter. A numberof systems send RST responses to the probes regardless of whether the port isopen or not. This causes all of the ports to be labeledclosed. Major operatingsystems that do this are Microsoft Windows, many Cisco devices, BSDI, and IBMOS/400.
What is the essential difference between an‘Ethical Hacker’ and a ‘Cracker’?
A.The ethical hacker does not use thesame techniques or skills as a cracker.
B.The ethical hacker does it strictlyfor financial motives unlike a cracker.
C.The ethical hacker has authorizationfrom the owner of the target.
D.The ethical hacker is just a crackerwho is getting paid.
Reference: The ethical hacker uses the sametechniques and skills as a cracker and the motive is to find the securitybreaches before a cracker does. There is nothing that says that a cracker doesnot get paid for the work he does, a ethical hacker has the owners authorizationand will get paid even if he does not succeed to penetrate the target.
What does the term “Ethical Hacking” mean?
A.Someone who is hacking for ethicalreasons.
B.Someone who is using his/her skillsfor ethical reasons.
C.Someone who is using his/her skillsfor defensive purposes.
D.Someone who is using his/her skillsfor offensive purposes.
Reference: Ethical hacking is only aboutdefending your self or your employer against malicious persons by using thesame techniques and skills.
Who is an Ethical Hacker?
A.A person who hacks for ethical reasons
B.A person who hacks for an ethicalcause
C.A person who hacks for defensivepurposes
D.A person who hacks for offensivepurposes
Reference: The Ethical hacker is a securityprofessional who applies his hacking skills for defensive purposes.
What is "Hacktivism"?
A.Hacking for a cause
B.Hacking ruthlessly
C.An association which groups activists
D.None of the above
Reference: The term was coined byauthor/critic Jason Logan King Sack in an article about media artist Shu LeaCheang. Acts of hacktivism are carried out in the belief that proper use ofcode will have leveraged effects similar to regular activism or civildisobedience.
Where should a securitytester be looking for information that could be used by an attacker against anorganization? (Select all that apply)
A.CHAT rooms
B.WHOIS database
C.News groups
D.Web sites
E.Search engines
F.Organization’s own website
Answer:A, B, C, D, E, F
Reference: A Security tester should search forinformation everywhere that he/she can access. You never know where you findthat small piece of information that could penetrate a strong defense.
What are the two basic types ofattacks?(Choose two.
Answer:B, D
Reference: Passive and active attacks are thetwo basic types of attacks.
The United Kingdom (UK) he passed a law thatmakes hacking into an unauthorized network a felony.
The law states:
Section1 of the Act refers to unauthorizedaccess to computer material. This states that a person commits an offence if hecauses a computer to perform any function with intent to secure unauthorizedaccess to any program or data held in any computer. For a successful convictionunder this part of the Act, the prosecution must prove that the access securedis unauthorized and that the suspectknew that this was the case. This section is designed to deal withcommon-or-graden hacking.
Section 2 of the deals with unauthorizedaccess with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of further offences.An offence is committed under Section 2 if a Section 1 offence has beencommitted and there is the intention of committing or facilitating a furtheroffense (any offence which attacks a custodial sentence of more than fiveyears, not necessarily one covered but theAct). Even if it is not possible toprove the intent to commit the further offence, the Section 1 offence is stillcommitted.
Section 3 Offences cover unauthorizedmodification of computer material, which generally means the creation anddistribution of viruses. For convictionto succeed there must have been the intent to cause the modifications andknowledge that the modification had not been authorized
What is the law called?
A.Computer Misuse Act 1990
B.Computer incident Act 2000
C.Cyber Crime Law Act 2003
D.Cyber Space Crime Act 1995
Reference: Computer Misuse Act (1990) createsthree criminal offences:
1.Unauthorisedaccess to computer material
2.Unauthorisedaccess to a computer system with intent to commit or facilitate the commissionof afurther offence
3.Unauthorisedmodification of computer material
Which of the following best describesVulnerability?
A.The loss potential of a threat
B.An action or event that mightprejudice security
C.An agent that could take advantage ofa weakness
D.A weakness or error that can lead tocompromise
Reference: A vulnerability isa flaw or weaknessin system security procedures, design orimplementation that could be exercised (accidentally triggered or intentionallyexploited) and result in a harm to an IT system or activity.
Which of the following act in the unitedstates specifically criminalizes the transmission of unsolicited commerciale-mail(SPAM) without an existing business relationship.
A.2004 CANSPAM Act
B.2003 SPAM Preventing Act
C.2005 US-SPAM 1030 Act
D.1990 Computer Misuse Act
Reference:The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornographyand Marketing Act) establishes requirements for those who send commercialemail, spells out penalties for spammers and companies whose products areadvertised in spam if they violate the law, and gives consumers the right toask emailers to stop spamming them. The law, which became effective January 1,2004, covers email whose primary purpose is advertising or promoting acommercial product or service, including content on a Web site. A"transactional or relationship message" – email that facilitates anagreed-upon transaction or updates a customer in an existing businessrelationship – may not contain false or misleading routing information, butotherwise is exempt from most provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act.
You arefootprinting to gather competitive intelligence. You visit websire for contact information and telephone number numbers but donot find it listed there. You know that they had the entire staff directorylisted on their website 12 months ago but now it is not there. How would it bepossible for you to retrieve information from the website that is outdated?
A.Visit google search engine and view the cached copy.
B.Visit site to retrieve the Internet archive of theacme website.
C.Crawl the entire website and store them into your computer.
D.Visit the company’s partners and customers website for thisinformation.
Answer: B
Reference:TheInternet Archive(IA)is a non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining an archive of Web andmultimedia resources. Located at the Presidio in San Francisco, California,this archive includes "snapshots of the World Wide Web" (archivedcopies of pages, taken at various points in time), software, movies, books, andaudio recordings (including recordings of live concerts from bands that allowit). This site is found at
User whichFederal Statutes does FBI investigate for computer crimes involving e-mailscams and mail fraud?
A.18 U.S.C 1029 Possession of Access Devices
B.18 U.S.C 1030 Fraud and related activity in connectionwith computers
C.18 U.S.C 1343 Fraud by wire, radio or television
D.18 U.S.C 1361 Injury to Government Property
E.18 U.S.C 1362 Government communication systems
F.18 U.S.C 1831 Economic Espionage Act
G.18 U.S.C 1832 Trade Secrets Act
Answer: B
Which of thefollowing activities will NOT be considered as passive footprinting?
A.Go through the rubbish to find out any informationthat might have been discarded.
B.Search on financial site such as Yahoo Financial toidentify assets.
C.Scan the range of IP address found in the target DNSdatabase.
D.Perform multiples queries using a search engine.
Answer: C
Reference:Passive footprinting is a method in which the attacker never makes contact withthe target systems. Scanning the range of IP addresses found in the target DNSis considered making contact to the systems behind the IP addresses that istargeted by the scan.
Which one of the following is defined as theprocess of distributing incorrect Internet Protocol (IP) addresses/names withthe intent of diverting traffic?
B.Domain Name Server(DNS) poisoning
C.ReverseAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Thisreference is close to the one listed DNS poisoning is the correct answer.
This is how DNS DOSattack can occur. If the actual DNSrecords are unattainable to the attacker for him to alter in this fashion,which they should be, the attacker can insert this data into the cache of thereserver instead of replacing the actual records, which is referred to as cachepoisoning.
You are footprinting an organization to gathercompetitive intelligence. You visit the company’s website for contactinformation and telephone numbers but do not find it listed there. You knowthat they had the entire staff directory listed on their website 12 months agobut not it is not there.
How would it be possible for you to retrieveinformation from the website that is outdated?
A.Visit google’s search engine and viewthe cached copy.
B.Visit web site to retrievethe Internet archive of the company’s website.
C.Crawl the entire website and storethem into your computer.
D.Visit the company’s partners andcustomers website for this information.
Reference: mirrors websites andcategorizes them by date and month depending on the crawl time. Archive.orgdates back to 1996, Google is incorrectbecause the cache is only as recent as the latest crawl, the cache isover-written on each subsequent crawl. Download the website is incorrectbecause that's the same as what you seeonline. Visiting customer partners websites is just bogus. The answer is thenFirmly, C,
A Company securitySystem Administrator is reviewing the network system log files. He notes thefollowing:
-Network logfiles are at 5 MB at 12:00 noon.
-At 14:00hours, the log files at 3 MB.
What should heassume has happened and what should he do about the situation?
A.He should contact the attacker’s ISPas soon as possible and have the connection disconnected.
B.He should log the event as suspiciousactivity, continue to investigate, and take further steps according to sitesecurity policy.
C.He should log the file size, andarchive the information, because the router crashed.
D.He should run a file system check,because the Syslog server has a self correcting file system problem.
E.He should disconnect from the Internetdiscontinue any further unauthorized use, because an attack has taken place.
Answer: B
Reference:You should never assume a host has been compromisedwithout verification. Typically, disconnecting a server is an extreme measureand should only be done when it is confirmed there is a compromise or theserver contains such sensitive data that the loss of service outweighs therisk. Never assume that anyadministrator or automatic process is making changes to a system. Alwaysinvestigate the root cause of the change on the system and follow yourorganizations security policy.
To what does“message repudiation” refer to what concept in the realm of email security?
A.Message repudiation means a user canvalidate which mail server or servers a message was passed through.
B.Message repudiation means a user canclaim damages for a mail message that damaged their reputation.
C.Message repudiation means a recipientcan be sure that a message was sent from a particular person.
D.Message repudiation means a recipientcan be sure that a message was sent from a certain host.
E.Message repudiation means a sender canclaim they did not actually send a particular message.
Answer: E
Reference:A quality that prevents a third party from being ableto prove that a communication between two other parties ever took place. Thisis a desirable quality if you do not want your communications to be traceable.
Non-repudiation is theopposite quality—a third party can prove that a communication between two otherparties took place. Non-repudiation is desirable if you want to be able totrace your communications and prove that they occurred. Repudiation – Denial ofmessage submission or delivery.
How doesTraceroutemap the route that a packet travels from point A to point B?
A.It uses a TCP Timestamp packet thatwill elicit a time exceed in transit message.
B.It uses a protocol that will berejected at the gateways on its way to its destination.
C.It manipulates the value of time tolive (TTL) parameter packet to elicit a time exceeded in transit message.
D.It manipulated flags within packets toforce gateways into generating error messages.
Reference:Tracerouteworks by increasing the "time-to-live" value of each successive batchof packets sent. The first three packets have a time-to-live (TTL) value of one(implying that they make a single hop). The next three packets have a TTL valueof 2, and so on. When a packet passes through a host, normally the hostdecrements the TTL value by one, and forwards the packet to the next host. Whena packet with a TTL of one reaches a host, the host discards the packet andsends an ICMP time exceeded (type 11) packet to the sender. The tracerouteutility uses these returning packets to produce a list of hosts that thepackets have traversed en route to the destination.
Snort has been used to capture packets on thenetwork. On studying the packets, the penetration tester finds it to beabnormal. If you were the penetration tester, why would you find this abnormal?
(Note: The student is being tested on conceptlearnt during passive OS fingerprinting, basic TCP/IP connection concepts andthe ability to read packet signatures from a sniff dumo.)
05/20-17:06:45.061034 ->
TCP TTL:44 TOS:0x10 ID:242
***FRP** Seq: 0XA1D95 Ack: 0x53 Win: 0x400
05/20-17:06:58.685879 ->
TCP TTL:44 TOS:0x10 ID:242
***FRP** Seg: 0XA1D95 Ack: 0x53 Win: 0x400
What is odd about this attack? (Choose themost appropriate statement)
A.This is not a spoofed packet as the IPstack has increasing numbers for the three flags.
B.This is back orifice activity as thescan comes from port 31337.
C.The attacker wants to avoid creating asub-carrier connection that is not normally valid.
D.There packets were created by a tool;they were not created by a standard IP stack.
Reference: Port 31337 is normally used by BackOrifice. Note that 31337 is hackers spelling of ‘elite’, meaning ‘elitehackers’.
Your company trainee Sandra asks you which arethe four existing Regional Internet Registry (RIR's)?
Reference: All other answers include nonexisting organizations (PICNIC, NANIC, LATNIC). See
A very useful resource forpassively gathering information about a target company is:
A.Host scanning
B.Whois search
D.Ping sweep
Reference: A, C&D are "Active"scans, the question says: "Passively"
Which of the following tools are used forfootprinting?(Choose four.
A.Sam Spade
Answer:A, B, C, D
Reference: All of the tools listed are usedfor footprinting except Cheops.
According to the CEH methodology, what is thenext step to be performed after footprinting?
C.System Hacking
D.Social Engineering
E.Expanding Influence
Reference: Once footprinting has beencompleted, scanning should be attempted next. Scanning should take place on twodistinct levels: network and host.
NSLookup is a good tool to use to gainadditional information about a target network. What does the following commandaccomplish?
>set type =any
>ls -d<>
A.Enables DNS spoofing
B.Loads bogus entries into the DNS table
C.Verifies zone security
D.Performs a zone transfer
E.Resets the DNS cache
Reference: If DNS has not been properlysecured, the command sequence displayed above will perform a zone transfer.
While footprinting a network, whatport/service should you look for to attempt a zone transfer?
A.53 UDP
B.53 TCP
C.25 UDP
D.25 TCP
E.161 UDP
F.22 TCP
G.60 TCP
Reference: IF TCP port 53 is detected, theopportunity to attempt a zone transfer is there.
Your lab partner is trying to find out moreinformation about a competitors web site. The site has a .com extension. Shehas decided to use some online whois tools and look in one of the regionalInternet registrys. Which one would you suggest she looks in first?
Reference: Regional registries maintainrecords from the areas from which they govern. ARIN is responsible for domainsserved within North and South America and therefore, would be a good startingpoint for a .com domain.
 Network Administrator Patricia is doing anaudit of the network. Below are some of her findings concerning DNS. Which ofthese would be a cause for alarm?
Select the best answer.
A. There are two external DNS Serversfor Internet domains. Both are AD integrated.
B. All external DNS is done by an ISP.
C. Internal AD Integrated DNS serversare using private DNS names that are
A. unregistered.
D. Private IP addresses are used onthe internal network and are registered with the internal AD integrated DNSserver.
Answer: A
A. There are two external DNS Serversfor Internet domains. Both are AD integrated. This is the correct answer.Having an AD integrated DNS external server is a serious cause for alarm. Thereis no need for this and it causes vulnerability on the network.
B. All external DNS is done by an ISP.
This is not the correct answer. Thiswould not be a cause for alarm. This would actually reduce the company'snetwork risk as it is offloaded onto the ISP.
C. Internal AD Integrated DNS serversare using private DNS names that are
unregistered. This is not the correctanswer. This would not be a cause for alarm. This would actually reduce thecompany's network risk.
D. Private IP addresses are used onthe internal network and are registered with the internal AD integrated DNSserver.
This is not the correct answer. Thiswould not be a cause for alarm. This would actually reduce the company'snetwork risk.

Test Information:
Total Questions: 760
Test Number: 312-50
Vendor Name: Eccouncil
Cert Name:  CEH
Test Name: ECCOUNCIL Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures(CEHv6)
Official Site:
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